About Us
Janaee Sais Quoi (je·ne·sais·quoi) - That intangible and elusive quality that makes something distinctive or attractive; that thing. Our brand was designed to celebrate the essence of who we are, that essence being seen and felt. Our products were birthed with that intention in mind. We’re Kings, We’re Queens. We’re the real Grown & Sexy; everything that is Love. Janaée Sais Quoi is Fate—For. All. To. Envy.
Our standard of excellence is founded on customer satisfaction, loyalty, uniqueness and sharing love in this world through creativity from black souls and black thought.
The customer experience is our #1 priority. Allow us to celebrate you. Explore the Janaee Sais Quoi brand today. As our business continues to grow, we will continue to create.
Let's Us Know!
Janaee Sais Quoi is always striving for excellence and our customer experience is priority #1. Please use the form below to leave a review on our products and let us know anything you would like to see from Janaee Sais Quoi in the future.